Placerville Arts Association
Your membership dues are vital to PAA and are due January of each year. The dues cover our expenses which include, for example, renting the room for the monthly meetings, paying program presenters, offering member shows, paying show judges and insurance.
Annual membership is for the calendar year and renewal fees are due each January. Dues for individuals are $35.00 and $60.00 for couples, for membership through December. New members may join any time during the year.
Print and Mail:
Please print it, fill it out, and send it, with your check, to the address on the form. Please do not send a check without the form. We need the form to verify your contact information. Mail to: Placerville Arts Association, PO Box 1004, Placerville, CA 95667
There are many benefits of being a member of Placerville Arts Association.
Some benefits are listed below:
Monthly Newsletter keeping you posted on upcoming art shows to enter,
PAA meetings, members' accomplishments, programs, etc.
Monthly Meetings with art demonstrations given by outstanding guest artists working in a variety of mediums and styles, and critique sessions.
Membership Shows held in the Spring and Fall, with very nominal entry fees for members only. Ribbons and monetary awards presented. Other shows held as opportunities arise.
Annual National Mother Lode Art Exhibition.
Workshops held periodically with nationally known artists at a reduced rate for members.
Annual Open Studio Tour.