Placerville Arts Association
About the Placerville Arts Association
Mission Statement
Placerville Arts Association promotes the creative work of its members, provides opportunities for sharing ideas among artists, and invites public interest through a variety of visual arts events.
Annual Letter from PAA’s President
At this time of year, I often spend time reflecting on Placerville Arts Association’s mission and how that translates to events for our artists. After a busy and eventful 2024 for our members, we turn the page where we have many exciting events planned for 2025.
As always, our monthly member meeting will feature a presentation by an accomplished artist. Our first show of the year will be our first show ever at Arts and Culture El Dorado’s Switchboard Gallery on Main Street in Placerville. Our Spring Member Show will take place in April at the Government Center in Placerville. We are planning our first Plein Air competition at Greenstone in April and will also have the Springtime at the Junction event in Cameron Park. Our annual Studio Tour is scheduled for the last weekend, Friday through Sunday, in September. Our Fall Member Show will be held in October at the Government Center in Placerville. And last, but certainly not least, our 59th National Mother Lode Art Exhibition will take place in November at The MACC, Mills Station Arts and Culture Center, in Rancho Cordova.
We can only accomplish these events with the help of dedicated volunteers. I’d like to thank some of our key volunteers for their devotion this past year. Cathy Keil, our Vice President for hosting our monthly member meetings, chairing our outreach committee, and planning our annual holiday brunch. Su Wickersham for chairing our largest annual event, the Mother Lode Art Exhibition and compiling and publishing our monthly newsletter. Fab Sowa-Dobkowski for scheduling presenters for our monthly member meetings. Carolyn Cunningham for chairing our two annual member shows at the government center, co-chairing the Mother Lode Art Exhibition, hosting Art Time on Tuesday and planning Paint Outs. Vesla Hooper for keeping our website in tip-top shape, planning Paint Outs, and creating event graphics. Myra Cooper Holmes, Wendy Scarlett, Matt Harline and Nina Major for planning the Studio Tour and special thanks to Deborah Klenzman for her work on this year’s tour brochure. Deb Walker for taking care of the hospitality at monthly member meetings and member shows. Sylvia Coleman for her publicity work especially with the Mt. Democrat.
Thanks also go to the rest of PAA’s Board of Directors: Debra Enns, Secretary, Gerry Litwin, Treasurer, Roberta Bassford, Membership, and Marilyn Jassowski, Historian and to our board advisors, Ingi Russell, Social Media, Donna Nelson, 58th National Mother Lode Art Exhibition, Tracy Lauth, Burke Junction event.
As your president, I often joke and say I try to do as little as possible. In 2025, I will continue to record meetings and events and post to our YouTube channel, keep the website up to date with our shows (the ones that you submit images to enter), plan special events including the Switchboard Gallery show, Springtime at the Junction and the Bank of America Gallery at Harris Center show and help with other events as a volunteer.
This year, we are saying goodbye to two Board members. Our long time Secretary, Debra Enns will be turning her monthly meeting recording responsibility over to Donna Nelson. Deb Walker, our Hospitality Chair will also be leaving the Board and Susanne Davis has volunteered to take over the hospitality role. I offer thanks to our departing Board members, Debra and Deb, and will welcome our new Board members, Donna and Susanne after our January member meeting where I will ask for your affirming vote.
Any of our members that would like to learn more about PAA or look for ways to become more involved are invited to attend our monthly board meetings that are held the first Friday of each month at the Senior Center lounge in Placerville.
This year, Placerville Arts Association ended the year with 220 members. Your membership and event entries make our organization successful. We look forward to another great year of art in 2025.
Thank you!
Lynell Phillips
President, Placerville Arts Association
PAA Board Members Needed for 2025
We are looking for a few PAA Members to join our Board next year. Mentorship is available from the current Board Members holding the positions below. Your mentor will guide you in assuming their current roles with PAA. We are a collaborative and working Board. We foster an accepting environment and will help you grow into your new role. Please direct questions or express your interest in one of the Board positions below to PAA’s President, Lynell Phillips at 415-793-2134 or email
The Placerville Arts Association Board meets the first Friday of each month (except December) at the Senior Center on Springs in Placerville from 9:45 AM to Noon. Board Members not able to attend in person may attend using Zoom. Board Members must be members of Placerville Arts Association.
If none of the openings below seems like a fit for you, any PAA Member is invited to attend our monthly Board meeting as a Board Advisor. Attending the Board meetings is a great way to become more involved in helping PAA produce our various events.
Special Events Chair
This Board level position includes planning and implementing special events. Events anticipated in 2025 include member shows at the Switchboard Gallery in Placerville and the Springtime at Burke Junction outdoor event. In the future an annual plein air competition may be added to the responsibilities of the special events chair.
If you are interested in a position, please contact PAA's President, Lynell Phillips at or 415-793-2134.
2025 Officers and Board of Directors
President Lynell Phillips
Vice President Cathy Keil
Secretary Donna Nelson
Treasurer Gerry Litwin
Additional Board of Directors:
Members Shows Carolyn Cunningham
Publicity Sylvia Coleman
Newsletter Su Wickersham
Membership Roberta Bassford
Historian Marilyn Jassowski
Programs Fabienne Sowa-Dobkowski
59th National Mother Lode
Art Exhibition Su Wickersham & Carolyn Cunningham
Studio Tour Matt Harline and Wendy Scarlett
Outreach Cathy Keil
Hospitality Sue Davis
Special Events Lynell Phillips (Volunteer Needed)
2025 Board Advisors
General Debra Enns
Webmaster Vesla Hooper
Social Media Ingi Russell
Paint Outs Michael Fritschi
Art Time Carolyn Cunningham
Burke Junction Events Tracy Lauth