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PAA Membership Show Details

old stuff to save




Membership Show Entry Rules



-  Artwork must have been created in the prior 3 years.

-  Artwork must not have been previously exhibited in a PAA membership show.

-  Frames – no frames will be included for this online show

-  Compositions must be original in concept. No  class work. Work that infringes on copyright law is not eligible.

- Membership must be current


Entry fees:   $8.00 each.


Sales:   Artists establish the sale price on their items. You may enter one “Not for Sale” piece.

A commission of 25% will be retained by PAA for paintings sold during the show.


Categories:    Landscape/Seascape, Floral/Still-Life, Portrait/People, Animals, Photography/Digital Art, Abstract/Experimental


Awards:  Monetary awards will be given: $25 for 1st place, $15 for 2nd place, $10 for 3rd place, and $50 for Best of Show. Ribbon awards will be given for “Honorable Mention” and “People’s Choice.”




Save for the future when we can show at the Governement center again.



-  Artwork depicting nudes is not acceptable at the governmetn center

-  Artwork must have been created in the prior 3 years.

-  Frames are required to have wire hangers (wire taped at the ends).

-  A total of 4 items may be entered by each member.

-  Compositions must be original in concept. Work that infringes on copyright law is not eligible.



Awards Reception:  is held at 4:00pm on Friday (closing day of the show).


Entry forms may be picked up in advance at the general membership meetings, included in newsletter the month previous to the show, and also available on the website.


Deliver art work to the El Dorado County Government Center, 360 Fair Lane, Placerville,
on Monday (first day of the show) between 8:00 am and 9:30 am. No late art work will be accepted.


PAA Membership Show Photo

Show Staffing:  Members entering the show will be asked to sign up for a three-hour slot to sit the show. This type of involvement is necessary to keep our shows running successfully. Member shows require a great deal of work and we need your support, so please bring your calendars with you to intake and be prepared to choose a slot. If you are bringing someone else’s artwork, bring that person’s scheduling information as well.


Sign Out:  You must sign out your art work. You may sign it out before the reception starting at 3:30pm,
but not remove it until after 4:30. Many people wish to view the show until it closes after the reception.
Please pick up your art following the reception between 4:30pm and 4:45pm.


If you cannot pick up your artwork at this time, specify an alternate person to pick up your artwork
when you sign in on Monday, or call Julia (530) 295-1220, to make other arrangements.
Artwork cannot be left at the center.


Info:  Julia Swain, Membership Show Coordinator (530) 295-1220


© Placerville Arts Association

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