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You're Invited - Free Art Gatherings during the Mother Lode Show


Join our art gatherings for comradery, art, and relaxation!  This year, we are having free art gatherings in the fireplace room at the Shakespeare Club during the Mother Lode Show.  Please gather your supplies and come join us for as many sessions as you want!


We're organizing these events by medium:


Mondays, 8/7 and 8/14 - pastel - 1pm to 3pm

Bring your pastels and pastel supplies and join Gloria Vernon.  Immerse yourself in this glorious medium, and have fun while you're doing it!


Tuesdays, 8/8 and 8/15 - mixed media - 10am to 3pm

Have fun, learn from each other, and expand your artistic horizons!  Work in Mixed Media with Kaaren Poole on Tuesdays, August 8 and 15.  We'll begin at 10am.  Kaaren is prepared to stay till 3pm, but you can leave whenever you wish.

Work on your own project, or work on a project with Kaaren.  If you work on your own project, please bring your supplies.  If you work with Kaaren, please bring:

Brushes, including an old, flat large brush for glue
Water container
Palette - no need for anything fancy, a paper plate will do
Paper towels
Good scissors for cutting paper
craft knife
a cork-backed ruler if you have one
Pencil, and a white chalk pencil if you have one
Apron (optional, but this could get messy)
Your favorite acrylic paints (I will also bring plenty so you'll have a wide selection available to you)
Favorite markers, colored pencils (I'll have some for everyone to use, but bring your favorites)
Favorite stencils or stamps (Again, I'll have some for everyone to use, but bring your favorites)
One or two magazines with good quality paper to cut up (we'll be mining them for patches of color, text, and images that inspire you)
Found objects or special papers if you have them
Canvas, Canvas board, or hardboard (I'll have 12" x 12" and 11" x 14" pieces of hardboard if you need them for $1 each)

DecoArt (paints) and Strathmore (paper) have been kind enough to donate some of their products, so each of the first 12 participants to arrive will get a goodie bag!

The project that Kaaren will be leading - if you chose to participate - is actually more of a method than a fully-designed project.  So you'll be creating something uniquely your own, but with guidance. Should be fun to see what everyone creates!

Questions?  Suggestions?  Contact Kaaren at (530) 672-0943 or


Wednesdays, 8/9 and 8/16 - all media - 1pm to 3pm

On Wednesdays, it's a free-for-all.  Whatever medium you work in, bring a project and enjoy the get together!


Thursdays, 8/10 and 8/17 - oil - 1pm to 3pm

Work in oils?  Bring them and join Pen Slade for fun, information sharing, and working together.  Pen has contacted Gamblin Colors and has some goodies for attendees.  Bring your supplies and either work on your own project or work with Pen on a black and white alla prima painting from your reference black and white photo.


Fridays, 8/11 and 8/18 - scratchboard - 1pm to 3pm

Work in scratchboard or want to work in scratchboard?  Bring your supplies and join Julia Swain in scratchboard fun!  If you've never worked in this medium but are interested, bring a craft knife (such as an x-Acto knife), a pencil, and a reference or sketch for your subject.  Small 5" x 7" scratchboards will be available at cost.


Saturdays, 8/12 and 8/19 - water media - 1 pm to 3pm

Join Vesla Greenwood in painting in water media.  Bring your supplies or work on a project-in-progress.


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